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Product Number 0602040383

  • Frying pan
  • Model: Bio Cook Oil
  • Size: ф28см
  • Non-stick coating
  • Double heat-resistant outer coating
  • Suitable for all types of hobs except induction
3999lvOnline price

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Frying pan ф28см - Bio Cook Oil 0602040384-tigan-za-palachinki_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0602030486-tendzhera-24sm-bio-cook-oil-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
13017 lv


The Bio Cook Oil pan of the Italian brand ILLA differs from the competition with a non-stick coating based on vegetable olive oil and water. The olive coating is designed to meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly oriented towards a healthy and ecological lifestyle.The proven non-stick surface allows cooking without any fat even from the first use of the product.

ILLA laboratory tests have shown that olive oil coating gives 3 times better results than standard non-stick cookware.

The composition of the Bio Cook Oil pan includes:

  • coating of olive oil and mineral particles
  • intermediate non-stick water coating
  • coating with high thermal resistance
  • aluminum base with high thermal conductivity
  • double heat-resistant outer coating

The materials used for the construction of the cooking vessel are of 100% European origin with certificates of origin and quality. The pan is convenient and easy to maintain and use.
The pan is suitable for all types of hobs except induction.


Bio Cook Oil

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  • Здравейте.Каква е височината на тигана,и става ли за съдомиялна?

    Алета Стамболиева
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      Здравейте! Тиганът е с височина 5 см и е подходящ за съдомиялна машина.
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    Яница Иванова
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      Здравейте! Тиганът може да се използва върху всички видове котлони с изключение на индукционен, за който не става.

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