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Product Number 1102050017

  • Two-component waterproofing sludge for insulation of buildings and construction elements
  • For waterproofing terraces, balconies, damp rooms
  • Fills cracks in the base
  • Provides protection of reinforced concrete structures
  • Waterproof
  • Elastic
  • Frost resistant
  • Consumption rate: 3 - 5 kg / sq.m.
18159lvTop price

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To insulate mineral bases against the ingress of moisture and water. It can be applied indoors and outdoors, on deformable and non-deformable substrates. Suitable for waterproofing terraces, balconies, damp rooms, underground structures, septic tanks, internal surfaces of monolithic water tanks (including drinking water), pools up to 50 m deep.
Resistant to pressure on the negative side. The elasticity of CR 166 allows filling cracks up to 1 mm in size. The solution slows down the carbonization process and provides effective protection of concrete and reinforced concrete from corrosion due to weathering.



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