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Product Number 1101110140

  • Decorative plaster to achieve the effect of architectural concrete
  • For external and internal use
  • Resistant to mechanical damage and adverse weather conditions
  • Flexible
  • Ready to use and easy to apply
  • Available in 3 shades of gray
  • Possibility for many effects of the structure
  • Consumption: 0.9 to 1.1 kg / sq.m. for 1mm layer thickness
32259лвOnline price

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Ceresit CT 760 Visage plaster is used to create thin-layer, decorative coatings on building facades, creating the effect of architectural concrete. As a façade plaster, Ceresit CT 760 is one of the components used in the Ceresit Ceretherm composite insulation system for building walls (ETICS) using polystyrene foam panels.
The plaster can be used on concrete bases, ordinary plasters, gypsum bases, chipboard and gypsum fiber boards and others. Different methods of application and surface treatment can create the effect of untreated architectural concrete of different shapes.



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