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Product Number 1101110121

  • One-component mineral anti-corrosion protective and contact solution "2 in 1"
  • For steel and concrete surfaces
  • With corrosion inhibitors
  • Excellent adhesion to concrete and steel
  • For concrete with class above C12 / 15
  • Resistant to frost and chemicals for icy roads
  • For vertical and horizontal surfaces
  • Consumption as anti-corrosion layer: 2 kg / sq.m. in 2 layers with a total thickness of about 1 mm
  • Consumption as contact layer: 1.5 to 2 kg / sq.m.
9600lvOnline price

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Ceresit CD 30 is used for corrosion protection of reinforcement and as a contact layer on concrete and reinforced concrete before applying other system components. The application of CD 30 between the concrete and the concrete repair solution allows to achieve very good parameters of the interaction in the upper layer. CD 30 is part of the Ceresit PCC system for concrete repair, which also includes CD 24, CD 25 and CD 26. The system is designed for filling cracks/cavities and re-profiling of terraces, as well as for complex repairs of various cement and reinforced concrete structures - for example terraces, overpasses, reinforced concrete ditches, ceilings, tanks (including sewage treatment plants), overpasses, scaffolding and sail structures, monolithic structures (including swimming pools), chimneys and others.



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