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Product Number 1101110120

  • Fine mortar for concrete repair
  • For layers up to 5 mm
  • For concrete with class above C12 / 15
  • Low shrinkage
  • Resistant to frost and chemicals for icy roads
  • Fast curing
  • For vertical and horizontal surfaces
  • Consumption: about 1.5 kg / sq.m. for 1mm layer thickness
7200lvOnline price

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Ceresit CD 24 is used for smoothing concrete and reinforced concrete, filling cracks/cavities and repairing damaged substrates up to 5 mm thick. It can be used for filling cracks, cavities and re-profiling of terraces, as well as for complex repairs of various cement and reinforced concrete structures - terraces, overpasses, reinforced concrete ditches, ceilings, chimneys, tanks and others. It is suitable for filling cracks and pores - for example before painting.
CD 24 is part of the Ceresit PCC concrete repair system, which also includes CD 25, CD 26 and CD 30.



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