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Product Number 1101020087

  • Adhesive-putty mixture for gluing expanded polystyrene thermal insulation boards
  • Reinforced with 3 different types of fiber
  • Excellent adhesion to the base and styrofoam
  • Resistant to shock, cracking, frost and temperature changes and high humidity
  • Consumption for gluing and plastering: 4-5 kg / sq.m.
1699lvTop price

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Често купувани заедно

Adhesive-putty mixture for thermal insulation CT82 25 kg 1102010352-1-toploizolacionni-plochi-eps-70-1005001000-0-25-kub-m-5brpaket_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101020086-lepilen-raztvor-za-polistiren_246x246_pad_478b24840a
5837 lv


Adhesive-putty mixture for gluing expanded polystyrene thermal insulation boards. The mixture is suitable for reinforcement with fiberglass mesh on polystyrene plates. Ceresit CT 82 also serves to improve the thermal insulation of external walls, repair old and build new facades.

  • Reinforced with 3 different types of fiber
  • High adhesion to the surface layer
  • Excellent adhesion to the base and styrofoam
  • Resistant to shock, cracking, frost and temperature changes and high humidity


  • For gluing: 4-5 kg/sq.m.
  • For plastering: 4-5 kg/sq.m.



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