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Product Number 1105010017

  • Moisture-resistant drywall
  • Type: H2
  • Thickness: 12.5mm
  • Dimensions: 1200 x 2600 mm
  • Core: 96% pure FGD and hydrophobic additives
  • Double-sided shell
  • Rectangular edging on the short side
  • Beveled edges on the long side
2149лвSpecial price

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TECHNOGYPS moisture-resistant gypsum boards type H2 are made of special paper and gypsum core with water-repellent (hydrophobic) additives for excellent protection against moisture. They are used for walls and ceilings in wet rooms (bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, toilets, etc. ).The dimensions of one sheet are 1200 x 2600 mm and thickness 12.5 mm.

  • They have all the advantages and qualities of the standard gypsum board
  • Create a strong, stable and durable base ready for ceramic coatings in rooms with high humidity
  • Lightweight and comfortable for cutting and cutting
  • Provide high levels of sound insulation on walls
  • Provide a healthy moisture-regulating environment
  • Beveled rectangular edges (AK) allow quick and easy filling of the joints with a suitable joint filler and reinforcing tape, thus ensuring the flatness of the entire surface.Beveling depth is 0. 6-2.5 mm and beveling width is 40-80 mm.
  • H2 boards create a strong, stable and durable base ready for ceramic coatings in rooms with high humidity. They are light and easy to cut and install and provide high levels of sound insulation on walls up to 66 dB.



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