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Product Number 0307050063

  • Pads - part of a system for leveling (leveling) plates with a wedge
  • For tiles with a thickness of 3 to 12 mm
  • Joint size: 1.5 mm
  • Pads are a single-use consumable
  • Packaging: 100 pcs
1099лвOnline price

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Joint pads 1.5mm for tile leveling system with wedge for tiles 3-12mm thick FAST LEVEL 0307050066-3-nov_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101010120-nova-opakovka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
4997 лв


Joint pad 1.5 mm has an exceptional strength of the plastic, which does not allow the pads to break during operation. They can be removed only after the glue has dried. Their upper part, which remains after removal, can be used instead of a spacer. An innovative system for leveling tiles - earthenware, terracotta, granite, stone, marble, etc., which provides an ideal plane with little effort. The tile leveling system helps to precisely level the tiles relative to each other and fix them in this position until the glue sets and hardens without putting in a lot of effort and effort.

  • They are available in a pack of 100 pcs.


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