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Product Number 0502040064

  • Varietal seeds for Thyme
  • It reaches a height of about 30 cm
  • Harvest: June - September
  • The seeds germinate in 15-21 days
  • It grows as a shrub with a height of 20-30 cm
  • Winter-hardy herb for the climate in Bulgaria
179лвOnline price

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Thyme seeds Thymus vulgaris 0502040060-semena-bosilek_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0502040041-semena-listen-magdanoz_246x246_pad_478b24840a
537 лв


Thyme is a popular aromatic herb and spice. It is from the so-called green spices, mostly fresh leaves are used to season various types of soups, stews and meat dishes. Thyme is also a honey plant - a source of large amounts of nectar for bees. And sown in the garden, it stops snails, aphids and cabbage butterflies. It is also used as a medicinal plant (herb) - in the form of decoctions, tea - has disinfectant properties and relieves cough.
It is recommended to sow at the end of March after the danger of late frosts has passed.

  • Sowing for seedlings: March - May
  • Outdoor sowing: April - May

The seeds germinate in 15-21 days. It grows as a shrub 20-30 cm tall. Young shoots can tear all year round. In the beginning it develops very slowly and should be weeded regularly.


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