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Product Number 1106010209

  • Soudafix DIY chemical anchor
  • For strengthening heavy loads in dense and hollow building materials
  • For anchoring without pressure even near the edges
  • Can be used as a repair solution
дни часа мин сек
Офертата е валидна от 01.01.2025 до 30.01.2025
1699лвPromo price 1999лвOld price

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Chemical anchor 280ml Soudafix DIY 1106070003-6-perforirana-vtulka_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106070003-6-perforirana-vtulka_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1897 лв


The product is a two-component resin for strengthening anchor ropes, stands, reinforcing levers, washers and profiles in various dense or hollow building materials such as concrete, cracked concrete, solid and hollow bricks, concrete with porous structure, natural stone and plasterboard walls without. No additional pressure is applied.



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