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Product Number 0203010116

  • White latex
  • For new or restorative painting on walls and ceilings indoors
  • Provides ventilation of the walls
  • Excellent traction and good resistance to wet rubbing and washing
  • Drying time: 4 hours at 20°C and 65% relative humidity
  • Dilute with water
  • It is applied in two layers
11299lvOnline price

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ORGACHIM Leko white latex is used for new or restorative painting on walls and ceilings indoors. Microporous coatings provide "breathing" of the walls. It has excellent adhesion to surfaces and good resistance to wet abrasion and washing.
Apply with a roller, brush, air or airless gun. Covers 12-14 sq.m/l for one layer. Dry for 4 hours at a temperature of 20°C and 65% relative humidity. Dilute with water. Latex can be tinted in light tones with water and universal toning pastes. It is recommended to apply in two layers.


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