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Product Number 1102060070

  • Polyurethane waterproofing
  • Waterproofs old bitumen membranes with spreading, without removing the old coatings
  • Bridges cracks up to 2 mm
  • Excellent UV, water, thermal and climate resistance
  • Resistant to domestic and public pedestrian or car traffic
  • Consumption rate: about 1.5-2.5 kg/m2 for 2 or 3 layers (the technical data sheet says 1.5-2.5 kg/m2, but there is a typo)
41658лвOnline price

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The weber.dry PUR seal product is a high-quality, single-component polyurethane membrane used for long-term waterproofing of concrete structures, parking lots, roofs, balconies, terraces, wet areas (under tiles), as well as for areas with pedestrian and road traffic.
Polyurethane waterproofing also gives excellent results when re-waterproofing old bitumen or asphalt membranes, EPDM and PVC membranes, old acrylic coatings and protecting polyurethane foam.
Weber.dry PUR seal is part of the weberdry PUR Coat System and the weberdry PUR Traffic System.



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