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Product Number 1102050016

  • Cement waterproofing
  • For waterproofing against ground moisture, non-pressure water, sewage, around swimming pools, pressurized water in containers
  • Very good adhesion to mineral bases
  • Resistant to mechanical stress
  • Minimum layer thickness: 2 to 3 mm
  • Maximum layer thickness: 4 mm
  • Consumption rate: about 2 kg / sq.m. per layer
7545lvOnline price

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Cement waterproofing weber.tec 930 is a cement-based product with plasticizers. When cementitious waterproofing is applied to concrete or cement screeds, some of the hydrophobic substances of the material penetrate the pores and capillaries of the substrate. The hydrophobic component of the finished mixture enters into an indestructible combination with screed or concrete. The hydrophobic substances in the capillaries are not affected by the alkalinity of the building materials or other chemical effects. The hydrophobic substances in the capillaries are inactive when dry and are activated in the presence of moisture.



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