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Product Number 1101020098

  • For gluing and plastering of EPS-F, EPS-G, XPS, mineral wool and other natural insulation materials on facades
  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • It is characterized by high strength and elasticity
  • Water repellent
  • Highly vapor permeable
  • Consumption rate for gluing / plastering: 5 kg / sq.m. / 4kg / sq.m.
2329lvTop price

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Weberguard MW MAX adhesive-putty mixture is used for gluing EPS-F, EPS-G, XPS, mineral wool and other natural insulation materials on facades, as well as for plastering EPS-F, EPS-G, XPS, mineral wool and other natural insulating materials.
The product is a dry powder adhesive-putty mixture based on cement and polymer additives. It is characterized by high strength and elasticity, high ductility, excellent adhesion to the substrate, very good vapor permeability and water-repellent properties.
Weberguard MW MAX is used for thermal insulation of facades and is especially suitable for thermal insulation with natural materials: mineral wool (stone wool) and straw panels.

  • Water repellent
  • High elasticity
  • Highly vapor permeable
  • Suitable for mineral wool and other natural insulation materials such as pressed wood panels, straw and others
  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • Consumption rate for gluing: 5 kg/sq.m.
  • Consumption rate for plastering: 4 kg/sq.m.



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