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Product Number 1101110098

  • For fastening (anchoring) machines and metal structures
  • To fill fixed connections between concrete elements and supports
  • Excellent water resistance
  • Excellent adhesion to iron and concrete
  • High resistance to dynamic mechanical loading
  • It does not contain metal aggregates and aluminum powder
  • Consumption: 1.95 kg / dm3 crack volume
4640лвOnline price

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Mixture for pouring 25 kg Mapefill - E 1106020334-soudal-t-rex_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1106010049-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7098 лв


Mapefill E is used for strong attachment of machines, equipment, bolts, pre-cast metal structures, turbines, machine tools and others to concrete. It is also recommended to fill fixed connections between concrete elements and supports.
Mapefill E monolithic compound has high mechanical strength in the first 24 hours and excellent adhesion to steel and concrete.
The product consists of cement solders, graduated fillers and special additives.
The mixture is prepared by mixing with 3.5 - 3.75 liters of pure water depending on the desired consistency. The resulting solution is poured into the bases, which must be pre-moistened with water, taking care not to form air bubbles.



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