Stone wool slabs for thermal insulation, sound insulation and vibration insulation of floors. It can be used under all types of vibrating equipment - stops the spread of vibrations from the floor through the walls. They are laid under floating screeds. They have high compressive strength.
Stone wool is a mandatory element of thermal insulation of any building. Cotton wool has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.038 W/mK.
- Dimensional stability
- Non-combustible material
- Good sound insulator
- Allows the building to breathe
- They do not shrink with time or temperature
- Stone wool boards are resistant to rot and aging, do not cause corrosion or rust, do not support parasites, fungi or mold
Unlike XPS and EPS, which are non-combustible materials, stone wool is the only thermal insulation material that does not burn and has 10 times better fire resistance than them.
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