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Product Number 1103120016

  • Suitable for all types of fuels - solid, liquid, gas
  • Size: Ф20 cm, height 3 m
  • 9 chimney bodies
  • 5 ceramic tubes
  • 1 ceramic tube with hole for door
  • 1 ceramic pipe for 90 на / 45º connection
  • 3 packs of insulating wool
  • 1 condensate trap
  • 1 door
  • 1 ventilation grille
  • 1 wadding front panel
  • 2 templates
133200лвOnline price

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Universal three-layer chimney system with lightweight chimney bodies, high quality ceramic pipes and intermediate thermal insulation. Suitable for all types of fuels (solid, liquid, gas) and heating systems that require air supply from the room. It can be built internally or externally.
One set of 3 meters contains 9 chimneys, 5 ceramic pipes, 1 ceramic pipe with a hole for a door, 1 ceramic pipe with a connection hole, 3 packs of insulating wool, 1 condensate trap, 1 door, 1 ventilation grille, 1 front panel of cotton wool , 2 templates.



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