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Product Number 1103060096

  • For roof window SK08 114 x 140 cm
  • For embossed roof coverings up to 120 mm thick
  • Guarantees rainwater drainage
29000лвSpecial price

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Single EDW cladding for SK08 roof window 114 x 140 cm of the VELUX brand. The cladding provides the connection between the window and the roof and guarantees the proper drainage of rainwater.
The EDW model cladding is designed for embossed roof coverings with a profile thickness of up to 120 mm /tiles, etc./.
VELUX claddings are made of durable materials that do not corrode and withstand atmospheric conditions. As standard, the claddings are made of aluminum, but can also be supplied in zinc or copper. The assembly between the cladding elements has been repeatedly tested and guarantees you reliable insulation.
VELUX claddings are precisely manufactured and are designed to guarantee a hermetic seal between the roof window and the roofing material, as well as safe and effective drainage. They are easy to install, with the top and sides of the sheathing remaining under the roofing material.


Единични обшивки
114 х 140см

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  • Може ли прозореца да се постави на покрив от сандвич панели

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      Здравейте! Няма проблем покривен прозорец да се постави на покрив от сандвич панели, ако монтажът бъде изпълнен правилно.

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