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Product Number 1102050025

  • Elastic two-component waterproofing
  • For indoor and outdoor use
  • Resistance to weathering
  • Water permeability
  • Elasticity
  • Consumption at 1 mm layer thickness: from 1.5 to 2.0 kg / sq.m
  • The cost varies depending on the unevenness of the surface and the type of base
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Elastic two-component waterproofing AQUASTOP 2 by BORO in a set of two components:
Component A - cement based
Component B - polymer based
BORO's two-component AQUASTOP 2 waterproofing is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

  • Internal application - sealing of floors and walls under ceramic tiles in bathrooms, shower cabins, tiles above bathtubs and in bathrooms. For smoothing and leveling uneven surfaces.
  • External application - waterproofing the base of terraces, balconies under ceramic tiles. Suitable bases are cement screeds and concrete. Waterproofing protection of underground parts of buildings, basement walls outside. Basement waterproofing in the presence of high groundwater. Waterproofing protection of tanks, swimming pools. Waterproofing of dam walls, irrigation canals, drainage sewers, etc.

Properties and consumption rate:

  • High resistance to weathering
  • High water resistance and low water permeability
  • Long-lasting elasticity
  • Consumption rate: For manual application of 1 mm layer thickness - from 1.5 to 2.0 kg/sq.m.. It is possible that the consumption rate varies depending on the unevenness of the surface and the porosity of the substrate.



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