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Product Number 1101030010

  • Lime-based putty mixture
  • It is only suitable for indoor use
  • It can be applied manually and by machine
  • Maximum grain size: 0.1 mm
  • Time to work with the material: about 8 hours
  • Layer thickness: 1 - 3 mm on each hand
  • Consumption: about 1.2 kg / sq.m. for 1mm layer thickness
1669лвSpecial price

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Putty Lime ClimateFino 20kg 1101060051-mazilka-mashinna-varova-25kg-bjala-klima-uajt-baumit_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1101110002-111-fugopylnitel_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6537 лв


Lime-based putty mixture KlimaFino by BAUMIT in a 20 kg bag. It is suitable only for indoor use and is applied manually or by machine.
BAUMIT's natural KlimaFino lime plaster mixture is naturally white. It is ideal for creating high-quality smooth surfaces on lime cement-containing lining plasters, concrete, aerated concrete and plasterboard. The putty is vapor permeable and improves the indoor climate.

  • Maximum grain size: 0.1 mm
  • Density: about 1200 kg/m3.
  • Required amount of water: about 8 liters for 20 kg of dry material
  • Time to work with the material: about 8 hours
  • Minimum layer thickness: 1 mm
  • Maximum layer thickness: 3 mm on each hand
  • Consumption of material: about 1.2 kg/sq.m.for 1mm layer thickness



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