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Product Number 1101020096

  • For walls, facades and ceilings
  • For gluing thermal insulation of EPS-F, EPS-G, XPS and mineral wool
  • For plastering of EPS-F, EPS-G and XPS thermal insulation boards
  • High strength, elasticity, excellent adhesion, vapor permeability
  • Consumption rate for gluing: 5 kg / m2
  • Consumption rate for plastering: 3 kg / m2
  • Working time: 3 hours
  • Maximum strength: after 7 days
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Adhesive-putty mixture white 25 kg weberguard EPS-G FiberFlex 1102080025_246x246_pad_478b24840a 1102080123_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2694 lv


White adhesive-putty mixture Weberguard EPS-G FiberFlex by WEBER in a paper bag 25 kg.
The weberguard EPS-G FiberFlex adhesive-putty mixture is used for gluing EPS-F, EPS-G, XPS and mineral wool thermal insulation, as well as for plastering EPS-F, EPS-G and XPS thermal insulation boards.
The construction mixture is a dry powder adhesive-putty mixture based on cement and polymer additives with the main purpose of gluing and plastering of facade thermal insulation panels of graphite polystyrene (EPS-G). The putty is characterized by high strength and elasticity, high plasticity, excellent adhesion to the base and very good vapor permeability.

  • Walls
  • Facades
  • Ceilings
  • Characteristics and consumption rate:
  • White colour
  • Water repellent effect and high elasticity
  • Contains fiber
  • Consumption rate for gluing: 5 kg/m2
  • Consumption rate for plastering: 3 kg/m2
  • Working time: 3 hours
  • Maximum strength: after 7 days



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  • Здравейте, Моля за информация, къде в София мога да купя weberguard EPS-G FiberFlex? 0888909226

    Атанас Марин
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    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

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