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Product Number 0504020040

  • Fruit saw with a sheath
  • With two-component handle
  • Material: steel
  • Length: 350 mm
  • Metal thickness: 1.2 mm
1290лвOnline price

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Fruit saw with 350 mm bucket, two-component handle 0504020119-palisad-nojica_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0504020164-nozhica-za-kloni_246x246_pad_478b24840a
6448 лв


Fruit saw with BAHCO sheath, equipped with a two-component handle. It is made of high quality steel with double-edged cutting teeth. The length of the saw is 350 mm, with a metal thickness of 1.2 mm. The fruit saw is equipped with a special locking mechanism that prevents its involuntary opening. The cutting teeth are sharpened and hardened on three sides. The orchard saw is resistant to moisture, wear and temperature changes.

The handle is ergonomic, facilitates the work with the hacksaw and guarantees efficient work. The handle has a non-slip coating, providing a strong and comfortable grip, even for longer work.


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