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Product Number 1002020277

  • Terracotta tiles for bathroom, kitchen, hallway
  • Grey color
  • Size: 40 x 40 cm, thickness 6 mm
  • Number in a box: 11 pieces
  • Roof area: 2.62 sq.m.
  • Smooth surface with a slight gloss
  • First quality
2638лвOnline price

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Terracotta Gray in color Gray are suitable tiles for laying in the bathroom, hallway and kitchen. The tiles are 40 x 40 cm in size and 6 mm thick. One box contains 11 tiles with a roof area of 1.76 square meters. The tiles have a smooth surface with a slight gloss. They are easy to clean and are suitable for indoor use.
Terracotta Trend Gray is of the first quality.


Баня, кухня, коридор
33 x 33см
1-во качество

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