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Product Number 0801070018

  • Power: 1250W
  • Milling cutters with a diameter of the tail (collet) 6 mm and 8 mm
  • Depth of milling: 8 - 12 mm
  • Speed: 11500 - 34000 rpm
  • Smooth start
  • Vacuum cleaner outlet
  • Storage case
10900lvOnline price

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Oberfreza 1250W, 11500-34000rpm, DAER1250 0805020360-aluminiev-prav-ygyl-178mm-multifunkcionalen-topmaster_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0805061844-45-frezer-za-oberfreza-8mm-za-zaobljane-r9-52-mm-h15-9-mm-s-lager-raider_246x246_pad_478b24840a
13669 lv


Milling machine DAER1250, manufactured by DAEWOO. The milling tool is distinguished by its powerful 1250W motor. The router is an ideal option for craftsmen to make cuts, shape decorative slots, gutters and more. The milling machine has comfortable handles that are equipped with soft parts. The ergonomic design and the handle help to make the different types of surfaces easier and more efficient.
A valuable quality of the milling machine is the ability to work with milling cutters with a tail diameter of 6 mm and 8 mm. The machine offers the ability to adjust the depth of the gutters - from 8 to 12 mm. The depth is adjusted by a millimeter scale.
Of course, the DAEWOO router is equipped with a vacuum cleaner outlet that is compatible with most vacuum cleaners on the market. The machine has a transparent plexiglass shield that covers the milling area. There is a guide for parallel guidance, as well as a center for milling in a circle and a copy sleeve, which allows guiding the cutter along the edge of a pre-cut template.
The machine is able to perform 11500 to 34000 rpm.Like most machines, it has a spindle lock function, which makes it easier and faster to change the nozzle.


11500 - 34000об./мин
24 месеца

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