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Product Number 0806100625

  • Ratchet for inserts
  • Connection size 1/2 "
  • Two-component handle
  • Length: 250 mm
  • With 72 working teeth
2090лвOnline price

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Ratchet 1/2" L 250mm, 72 teeth 0806100411-12-udyljitel-za-nakrajnici-1-2-125mm-force_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0806100579-udyljena-vlojka-12-17-mm-77-mm-force_246x246_pad_478b24840a
3128 лв


Rattle for TOPMASTER inserts with connection size 1/2". It has a comfortable two- component handle , resistant to wear and moisture. The ratchet is made of high quality chrome-vanadium steel. It is resistant to temperature and mechanical changes, long operation, the influence of various types acids and corrosion. The handle is two-component, made of durable plastic. The reed is 250 mm long. On the working surface there are 72 teeth. The quality workmanship of the ratchet and its characteristics ensure easy and comfortable handling. It is designed for a wide range of mounting , construction-repair and craft activities. The tool has a movable square and additional insulation for higher operational safety.



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