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Product Number 0805020260

  • Freely selectable linear and point mode
  • Horizontal and vertical self-levelling up to ±4°
  • Working range: 10 m
  • Accuracy: ±0.3 mm/m
  • Protection against dust and water splashes: IP 54
  • Possibility to extend the warranty by 24 months after registering the machine on the official BOSCH website
20900лвOnline price

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Laser level cross lines GLL 2-10, 10m, ± 0.3 mm/m, IP54 0805020367-universalna-trinoga-1200-mm-14-aluminieva_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0805061645-46-48-57-59-60-svredlo-s-sds-plus-5x-cross-bosch_246x246_pad_478b24840a
25589 лв


Combined laser level BOSCH GLL 2-10, intended for measuring activities during construction and repair works. It can project horizontal and vertical lines. Lines and points can be used in different combinations depending on the specific task. The BOSCH GLL 2-10 model is extremely easy to maintain and its functions are simplified. The design of the level is ergonomic, which contributes to the ease and efficiency of its use. The leveling tool has a switch that allows you to select the desired projection mode - on lines or points. The working range of the laser level is 10 meters with a maximum deviation of ± 0.3 mm/m.
The tool is equipped with rubber pads that prevent the device from slipping during operation. These pads also provide additional protection in the event of shocks or falls. The leveling device has a function to automatically level the measurement accuracy. Like other products created by the German company, the BOSCH GLL 2-10 model is equipped with special protection against dirt, dust and water splashes.
The device is much easier to use than its competing models, thanks to the multi-functional RM 1 Professional holder, which can be rotated in different directions. The spirit level holder also has various wall, ceiling or floor mounting options.


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