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Product Number 0801020048

  • Power: 450W
  • Idle speed: 600-3000 rpm.
  • Cutting at an angle of 45 °
  • Blow out function
  • Easy replacement of the cutting tip
  • Possibility to extend the warranty by 12 months after registration of the machine on the official METABO website
12900лвOnline price

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Jigsaw - zege 450W STEB 65 QUICK 0809080044-nozh-za-zege-t101-b-za-chisto-rjazane-na-dyrvo-3-30mm-2br_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0809080046-nozh-za-zege-t101-br-za-chisto-rjazane-na-dyrvo-3-30mm-2br_246x246_pad_478b24840a
13848 лв


The METABO STEB 65 QUICK electric jigsaw is designed for non-professional and amateur use. Its power is 450W, and the adjustable speed reaches 600-3000 rpm, thanks to which various types of materials are successfully processed.

The METABO STEB 65 QUICK jigsaw is the ideal tool for straight and curved cutting of a wide range of materials with different hardness such as wood, plastic, aluminum, steel, including stainless steel.The electric jigsaw allows cutting at an angle of 45°.The large cutting angle significantly reduces the processing time of the material and creates a feeling of absolute control and ease of operation with the saw. Thanks to the dust collection function, there will always be a clean working environment and perfect visibility of the workpiece. This model is equipped with an additional function to deal with dusty work environments. This is the "blow out"function. The handle of the device has a non-slip surface of the Softgrip type. An additional advantage of the jigsaw is the innovative Vario electronics (V), which work with speeds suitable for different materials.

The jigsaw is equipped with a plastic blade guard and a steel base for maximum cutting safety. The Metabo Quick function guarantees quick replacement of the cutting tip without the need for a tool.
Cutting, functions and technical characteristics:

  • Power: 450W
  • Cutting in wood: 65 mm
  • Cutting in non-ferrous metals: 18 mm
  • Cutting in steel: 6 mm
  • Cutting at an angle of 45°
  • Speed: 600-3000 rpm
  • Dust collection function
  • Blow out function

Jigsaws from the METABO series are widely used in carpentry, handicrafts and manufacturing. They offer high productivity and quality of work, and the ergonomic design and the anti-slip coating of the handle make working with cutting tools even easier and more enjoyable.


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3000 об/мин
24 месеца

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