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Product Number 0804050054

  • Power: 1700W
  • Maximum pressure: 130Bar
  • Working flow: 380 l/h
  • 3 in 1 nozzle with 3 different water jet models
  • Nozzle with extension tube and high pressure nozzle for detergent
  • Built-in water filter
  • High pressure gun
  • Possibility to extend the warranty by 12 months after registration of the machine on the official BOSCH website
29900лвOnline price

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Water jet 130bar, 1700W, 380 l/h, 3in1 UniversalAquatak nozzle 0503030139-adaptor-za-kran_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0503030020_246x246_pad_478b24840a
31670 лв


BOSCH UniversalAquatak 130 water jet with power 1700W and maximum water jet pressure 130Bar. The compact BOSCH water jet has a built-in filter, high pressure gun, nozzle with extension tube, 3 in 1 nozzle, high pressure nozzle for detergent and 6 meters long high pressure hose. The maximum working flow of the water jet is 380 l/h, and the maximum operating temperature - up to 40°C.
The innovative 3-in-1 single nozzle provides 3 different models of cleaning water spray - fan jet, rotating jet and concentrated jet for more stubborn dirt.
The BOSCH UniversalAquatak 130 water jet offers the following amenities:

  • Easy, fast connections
  • Safe storage of the pistol during use
  • Automatic suction/use with water tanks
  • Folding handle
  • Auto-stop system
  • High pressure foam system

The high-pressure cleaner is convenient to store and transport due to its compact size and large wheels.


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