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Product Number 0803040033

  • Type: electric
  • For latex, oil paints and varnishes
  • With 2 nozzles and 2 speeds
  • With lower cistern
  • Power: 630W
  • Output flow: 500 ml/min
  • Volume of the tank for latex/oil paints and varnishes: 1300/800 ml
  • Dimensions: 32 x 32 x 28.5 cm
31500лвOnline price

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WAGNER electric paint spray gun W570 Flexio. The model has a lower cistern. It is designed for applying latex, oil paints and varnishes. It has 630W power and 2 speeds. It is made of high quality plastic. It is characterized by an outlet flow of 500 ml/min. It is equipped with 2 nozzles for different types of paints.
The volume of the tank for latex is 1300 ml, and that of varnishes and oil paints - 800 ml. The paint spray gun is equipped with a powerful and innovative X-Boost turbine, as well as the new I-Spray nozzle, ensuring optimal coverage and high speed. Can paint vertically and horizontally. There is an option to reduce the width of the jet, as well as for precise and smooth adjustment of the paint.
The front of the model can be detached to make it easier and more convenient to clean. It has a nozzle with connection size G1/4 ”. The supplied flow rate is smoothly regulated and reaches 0-500 ml/min. The pistol is compact in size and weight, convenient to carry and store. Its dimensions are 32 x 32 x 28.5 cm.

IMPORTANT! When using the water-based paint spray gun, always strain them before use to prevent the nozzle from clogging.


Електрически пистолети за боядисване
С долно казанче
24 месеца

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