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Product Number 0902030091

  • Power: 50 W
  • Sensor range: 160°, up to 12 meters
  • Luminous flux: 4000 lm
  • Color temperature: 6400 K (cold light)
  • Illumination angle: 120°
  • High degree of protection against moisture and dust: IP65
  • Metal housing with heat-resistant glass
4199lvOnline price

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Floodlight with sensor, facade 50W 6400K IP44 25000h NYX LED 0902030088-89_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0903050019-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
7897 lv


VIVALUX's NYX LED facade LED floodlight with motion sensor, suitable for outdoor installation in yards, garages, under sheds, gazebos, in front of housing cooperatives, or warehouses. The facade LED floodlight with a motion sensor is extremely economical and allows installation both indoors and outdoors. It is designed to function even in conditions of increased level of humidity or dustiness, due to their high degree of protection IP65.

The power of the projector is 50 W, and its operating voltage is 230 V. The luminous flux of the lighting unit is 4000 Lm and is characterized by a color temperature of 6400 K (cold light), as well as a wide illumination angle of 120°. The VIVALUX outdoor and indoor LED floodlight has an infrared motion sensor equipped with sliders to adjust the sensor's performance. The range of the sensor is 160° up to a distance of up to 12 meters.

The facade spotlight offers the ability to direct the light vertically and horizontally. The motion sensor is also movable and can be pointed.


  • Power: 50 W
  • Sensor range: 160°, up to 12 meters
  • Luminous flux: 4000 lm
  • Color temperature: 6400 K (cold light)
  • Illumination angle: 120°
  • High degree of protection against moisture and dust: IP65
  • Metal housing with heat-resistant glass
  • Built-in LED light source of the highest energy efficiency class, which cannot be replaced


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24 месеца

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