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Product Number 0807010084

  • Anti-corrosion lubricant Q20
  • For hard to reach places
  • Does not contain silicone
  • It is also used in humid environments
  • For professional and non-professional use
15699лвOnline price

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Lubricant product Q20, designed for cleaning, lubrication and protection of various elements from corrosion. It has good waterproof properties.
The lubricant Q20 is silicone-free in its composition. It is safe to use on paint. It can be used in the home, workshop, automotive and shipbuilding industries. It is designed for professional and non-professional use. The anti-corrosion spray Q20 is characterized by the presence of a ball bearing under the nozzle, which ensures the rotation of its injector 360˚. This allows the use of the aerosol in almost any position. When applied with anti-corrosion spray, a product is released, not air. This ensures the efficient and complete use of the aerosol, without leaving even the slightest unused amount in the vial. The spray is a perfect lubricant, with a wide range of applications. The anti-corrosion aerosol is an excellent water-repellent agent, protecting and removing the various elements from the ingress of moisture. The lubricant reduces the risk of wetting the ignition systems of cars, trucks, motorcycles, marine engines and electric motors. The Q20 aerosol ensures the efficient starting of your vehicle. This can happen even in very humid climates or in heavy torrential rains. The unique penetrating power of the Q20 spray makes it an ideal release lubricant for use in the home, garage and workshop. The anti-corrosion product Q20 can be used to remove ink from leather jackets, tar from the car body. The spray is also used for lubricating sliding doors, ensuring their easy movement. The aerosol also removes sticky gum on carpets or paths. The anti-corrosion product is an excellent lubricant used in the maintenance of all bearings and chains, such as skateboards, mowers, bicycles. The Q20 spray is able to extend even the life of outdoor light bulbs by 30%. The application of the anti-corrosion product facilitates the movement and prevents creaking of the door hinges. Q20 aerosol can also release rusty locks. Available in a 5 liter tank, combined with a dispenser.



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