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Product Number 0205020061

  • Concentrate for pest control on already infested wood
  • Effectively handles all kinds of wood-destroying insects
  • It also serves for preventive protection of wood from pests
  • Dilute with water or alcohol
  • Application: brush, gun, immersion in a container or direct injection into the holes of carnivores
  • The treatment can be repeated every 4 weeks until the desired result is achieved
  • Dilution and consumption rate: 1 kg of concentrate is diluted in 4 liters of water. The resulting solution covers 33 sq.m.
  • 5 kg of diluted concentrate covers 165 sq.m.
18799лвOnline price

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Impregnant for wood insecticide Bochemit Plus I, concentrate, 5 kg, colorless 0201010292-300-302-306-308-311_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010120-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
36304 лв


Bochemit Plus I 5 kg is a liquid fungicidal and insecticidal preparation for the destruction of wood-destroying insects at all stages of their development in already damaged wood, with parallel prophylactic protection against pests, fungi and molds.
The insecticidal wood impregnant Bochemit Plus I guarantees 100% elimination of wood-destroying insects (egg, larva, cocoon, mature insect). The product is a concentrate and can be diluted with water or alcohol.

Bochemit Plus I can be administered by injection with a syringe directly into the holes of carnivores, by brush application or spray gun.

If the desired effect is not achieved from the first use of the product, the treatment can be repeated every 4 weeks until the desired result is achieved.

Bochemit Plus I is applied to already infested wood from:

  • Tree worm
  • Termites
  • Domestic, oak or coniferous beetle
  • Sechkovtsi
  • Unicorn bark beetle
  • Black pine logger
  • Spruce lichen eater
  • Bed bug
  • Larvae
  • Sharpener
  • Furniture woodpecker
  • Other insects and worms

Dilution and consumption rate:

  • 1 kg of concentrate is added to 4 liters of water. With the obtained working solution 33 sq.m. can be processed.surface.


  • Applying a subsequent finish is not recommended.Any finishing coatings would reduce the characteristics of the product.


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  • Има ли значение дали дюшемето е боядисано когато се третира с препарата?

    Симеон Митев
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    1. Администратор

      Здравейте! Предназначението на препарата е борба с вредители по вече нападната дървесина, така че няма значение дали дюшемето е боядисано или не. Препаратът е еднакво ефективен.
  • занече нападната дървесина от дървояди кое е най-доброто

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    1. Веселин Люцканов - администратор

      Здравейте! Артикулът, на който е базиран въпросът Ви, дава отлична възможности за решение на проблема. Предлагаме го и в по-малки разфасовки под Арт.№0205020104 (0.5кг) и №0205020089 (1кг). По-малката разфасовка има предимството, че е под формата на пулверизатор, което увеличава дълбокопроникващите свойства на импрегнанта.

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