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Product Number 0905050165

  • Stylish electric coupler in the shape of a cube
  • 5 sockets
  • Electric shock protection
  • Power cord: 1.5m
  • Maximum power: 3680 W
  • Supply voltage: 230 V
  • Amperage: 16 A
  • Dimensions: 76 x 76 mm
2399лвOnline price

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Stylish and functional electric power strip POWER CUBE in the shape of a cube and with 5 sockets of 16A. The power strip is blue and has a 1.5 meter power cord. Each of the sockets of the coupler is grounded and has a special protection against electric shock.
The coupler offers a non-standard, but at the same time extremely functional form. Thanks to it you will be able to use all 5 sockets completely freely, without worrying about the type of plug of the electrical appliance you connect. Typically, most electrical appliances come with bulky plugs, which in most cases interfere with adjacent power outlets. With the POWER CUBE cordless splitter, this cannot happen. The sockets are located at equal distances from each other and do not allow bulky and non-standard plugs to close the free sockets. In addition to the benefits listed above, the power strip also offers a beautiful design with fresh colors.
- Maximum power: 3680 W
- Supply voltage: 230 V
- Amperage: 16 A
- Dimensions: 76 x 76 mm
- Length of the power cable: 1.5 m



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