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Product Number 0505020034

  • Rectangular barbecue with wheels
  • Height: 95 cm
  • Possibility to adjust the height
  • Grill size: 52 x 60 cm
  • With two support legs
  • Stand for dishes and food
  • Material: steel
41200лвOnline price

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Rectangular barbecue with lid MG927 95 x 52 x 60 cm, wheels 0505030016-0505030015-darveni-vaglishta-www_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0505030178-pokrivalo-za-barbekju_246x246_pad_478b24840a
45294 лв


Rectangular barbecue of MASTERGRILL, with a height of 95 cm and a grill size of 52 x 60 cm. It is equipped with two support legs, providing maximum stability in use. It is also available with two wheels, which makes it easier to move the appliance. It is made entirely of steel, which guarantees high durability and long years of operation.

It is equipped with a double grille. The main part can be used to bake food, and the second can be used to smoke various sausages and meats, to heat bread and more. On one side of the barbecue is a stable metal stand, which makes it extremely easy for chefs in their work. On this basis can be placed the products needed for the preparation of dishes. Between the legs and the wheels of the grill there is a large enough steel stand, which further facilitates the users of the barbecue.

The steel grill also has a lid with an air regulation system, allowing temperature control, providing a unique taste of cooked dishes and limiting the possibility of burning dishes. The device is available with the possibility of height adjustment. All elements of the appliance are made of high quality, temperature resistant steel, which guarantees the durability and efficiency of the grill. The rectangular barbecue is extremely suitable for use during picnics, family gatherings outdoors in the yard of your house or other occasions.


95 х 52 х 60см
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