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Product Number 0602050189

  • Form for small cupcakes
  • Capacity: 12 pieces
  • Dimensions: 35.2 x 26.8 x 3 cm, thickness 0.5 mm
  • Material: Carbon steel, non-stick marble coating, enameled outer coating
  • Dishwasher safe
1859лвOnline price

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ZEPHYR small cupcake /muffin tin in red and black. The muffin tin allows you to make 12 small cupcakes at a time. The kitchen utensil has the following dimensions: length - 35.2 cm; width - 26.8 cm; height - 3 cm. The body and the bottom are 0.5 mm thick. The mold is made of carbon steel with a marble non-stick coating and an enameled outer coating that will not allow stains to layer. Thanks to the high-quality material and its coating, the muffin tin is quick and easy to clean without the need for long rubbing or pre-soaking.

It does not contain PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid used in the production of non-stick coatings, which is carcinogenic to humans and leads to environmental pollution).

  • Dishwasher safe


Форми за печене
35.2 х 26.8см

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