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Product Number 0903060052

  • LED strip connector
  • Type SMD 5050
  • Two feathers
  • With mounted SMD LED
  • Width: 10mm
109лвOnline price

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Connector for LED strip SMD 5050 10mm, with 2 feathers 0903060041-konektor-za-led-lenta-smd-3528-8mm-visiblelux_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0903060030-68-led-lenta-12-v-4-8-w_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1213 лв


LIGHTEX connector for LED strip type SMD 5050. With this type of components, the energy-saving SMD LED is mounted and soldered on a board. The acronym comes from Surface Mount Device, which initiates a surface-mounted device. Such devices do not emit heat and have low energy consumption.

The connector is 10 mm wide. With its help separate LED strips are connected. This is done quickly and easily, and this connection is aesthetically pleasing. Individual tapes can also be connected to power supplies and controllers. This alternative is better than using ordinary cables and soldering them. With LED strip connectors, the connection is more beautiful and convenient. For this purpose, the individual pieces must be cut in the designated place. The straps are pushed under the metal legs, after which these legs are closed. This type of connector is the most commonly used model for connecting two separate pieces of LED strips.


24 месеца

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