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Product Number 0605040314

  • Made in the form of a pearl bag
  • Bubble Gum fragrance granules
  • Perfume composition with long-lasting effect
  • It can also be used for small rooms
  • Organic ingredients
309лвOnline price

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Pearls car air freshener, pearl bag, granules, Bubble Gum 0605040319-aromatizator-perlena-torbichka-lilac-areon_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605040312-aromatizator-perlena-torbichka-black-crystal_246x246_pad_478b24840a
927 лв


AREON car air freshener from the AREON brand with Bubble Gum fragrance. Made in the form of a pearl bag filled with aromatic granules.It is a perfume composition with a long-lasting and instant effect.
The main purpose of the fragrance is to freshen the air in cars, but can also be used for small rooms such as closets, hallways, bathrooms and toilets, as well as in furniture - wardrobes, cabinets, sections. Guarantees a fresh and constantly pleasant scent.
The fragrance is safe and can be used near children, pets or food because its ingredients are organic.


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