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Product Number 0605040285

  • Aroma Bubble
  • For small rooms, closets, bathrooms, toilets
  • Capacity: up to 180 sprays
  • Harmless to humans and the environment
  • Packaging: 15 ml
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Mini spray for fragrance 15ml reserve, Bubble 0605040284_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605040118_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1427 lv


Spare mini-spray filler for MASCOT brand fragrance. With a fresh and memorable Bubble aroma. Suitable for aromatization of small rooms, closets, bathrooms, toilets. It is a perfume composition with a long-term effect with a capacity of up to 180 sprays.
The mini-spray has a long-lasting and instant effect. Refreshes and aromatizes the air in the rooms without being intrusive. The spray is environmentally friendly and harmless to humans and the environment. It is safe and can be used near children, pets or food because its ingredients are organic.
Be careful as with any other spray bottle - keep away from flames or other heat sources!
The spare mini spray has a volume of 15 ml.


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