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Product Number 0605040113

  • Set of 4 pcs.
  • Aroma of a bouquet of flowers
  • Cleans, disinfects and refreshes toilet bowls
  • Protects against scale
499лвOnline price

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Toilet block-flavoring for toilet bowls set 4 pcs., Bouquet 0605030562_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605040112-techen-aromatizator-za-wc-4br-bor_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1147 лв


Toilet block-fragrance for toilet bowls of the GRANFORTE brand. The block is placed on the edge of the toilet bowls, leaving a pleasant aroma of a bouquet of flowers. It also protects against the formation of scale.
GRANFORTE fragrance cleans, disinfects and refreshes toilet bowls, destroying harmful bacteria. Its action is felt every time you put the water in the pot. Guarantees long-lasting freshness and cleanliness of toilet bowls. Available in a set of 4 toilet blocks-fragrances.


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