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Product Number 0201050061

  • Thinner for paint UR for alkyd-upretan primers, varnishes, enamels
  • Mixture of organic solvents
  • Clear, transparent, easily mobile liquid
  • No mechanical impurities
  • Color: transparent to light yellow
  • Density: 0.865-0.895 g / cu. see
1199лвOnline price

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Thinner SD for polyurethane systems 1l 0201050030-koresilin-1l-orgahim_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0206010208-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
2478 лв


UR paint thinner, which is a mixture of organic solvents. It is made in accordance with the requirements of Bulgarian quality standards. Its purpose is to dilute to working viscosity alkyd-urethane primers, varnishes, enamels, varnish-paint materials on alkyd basis. The diluent is a clear, transparent, easily mobile liquid that is free of mechanical impurities. The color is transparent to light yellow. The density of the paint thinner Protekta is 0.865-0. 895 g/cubic, at an air temperature of +20°C


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      Здравейте! Според написаното на опаковката на кутията, продуктът съдържа следното: ксилен, въглеводороди, С9, ароматни, n-бутил ацетат.

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