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Product Number 0905080048

  • Set of 2 rechargeable batteries
  • Model: R14U
  • Type: C
  • Charge: 3800mAh
  • Reusable
329лвOnline price

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Battery C R14U 2pc/shrink TOSHIBA 0905080047_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0905080044_246x246_pad_478b24840a
887 лв


Set of 2 rechargeable batteries R14U type C. Each of them has a charge of 3800mAh. Rechargeable batteries are designed for use in various devices - toys, portable radios, flashlights and more. These batteries provide more energy thanks to the better materials used in their production. They are characterized by their quality sealing, which provides resistance to leaks for a long time. The batteries are made without the addition of mercury and cadmium. They are of the carbon-zinc type.



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