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Product Number 0605020182

  • Gives smoothness and softness to clothes
  • With microcapsules
  • Antistatic effect
  • Intense and fresh aroma
  • Preserves the original structure and elasticity of the tissues
  • Packaging: 1 liter
729лвSpecial price

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Fabric softener 1l Blue Splash 0605030590-napkins-zebra-lines-60pcs-3800090304081_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0605010030-domestos-0-750-ml-bor-domestos_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1413 лв


Fabric softener Blue Splash /Blue splash/ brand COCCOLINO. If you use it, your clothes will always have a fresh scent, pleasantly smooth and soft.
The detergent contains microcapsules, which begin their action on the tissues from the beginning of washing. The fabric softener releases an intense and fresh scent that penetrates the clothes. The fabrics remain soft and pleasant to the touch.
Along with its other merits, the COCCOLINO preparation also has an antistatic effect, which facilitates the ironing of already washed clothes. They retain their original structure and elasticity.
The product is available in a package of 1 liter.


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