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Product Number 0102010467

  • Wall mounting
  • With 2 handles
  • Purpose: for bath / shower
  • CoolTouch system
  • TurboStat thermocouple
  • GROHE EcoJoy system
  • Quick flow temperature control
  • GROHE EcoButton for water saving
39679лвOnline price

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Precision Start thermostatic wall-mounted bath / shower mixer 0102030350-trybno-okachvane-vitalio-start-110_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0102030242-trybno-okachvane-vitalio-go100-60sm-s-rychen-dush-i-shlauh_246x246_pad_478b24840a
56584 лв


Thermostatic wall-mounted bath/shower mixer with two handles from the Precision Start series of the GROHE brand, manufactured with the CoolTouch system, providing a safer housing. The mixer has a built-in TurboStat thermocouple. The model has a function to lock the temperature of the water flow at 38°C, which ensures the safety of users. The battery is equipped with GROHE EcoJoy technology, guaranteeing perfect water flow for lower consumption.
The GROHE AquaDimmer Plus system allows regulation of the water volume that passes through the mixer.
The thermostatic wall-mounted faucet is also equipped with the GROHE EcoButton, which is a built-in button with a function to save water for the shower. It has a system for protection against backflow of water. The GROHE bath/shower model is scratch-resistant and easy to clean thanks to the GROHE StarLight chrome finish. The mixer has the function of GROHE for precise control of water flow.
The thermostatic bath/shower mixer has a beautiful, elegant and modern design, suitable for your stylish bathroom.
For more stylish, elegant and modern solutions related to furnishing your bathroom, you can visit our product group Bathroom.


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Precision Start

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