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Product Number 0102010461

  • Installation: for installation
  • With 1 handle
  • Purpose: for shower
  • Complete with built-in elements
  • Ceramic closing mechanism 28 mm
  • GROHE QuickFix mounting system
  • Water saving system
  • Automatic bath / shower switching
21115lvOnline price

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Built-in mixer for installation from the Start series of the GROHE brand with 28 mm ceramic closing mechanism. The faucet is designed for a shower. Comes complete with all necessary elements for installation. The faucet is single lever, with indication of hot and cold water. It has the GROHE system for saving water and regulating the water flow.
The standing mixer has an automatic bath/shower switching function, equipped with a metal lever and a metal socket. The installation of the built-in shower mixer is very easy and fast thanks to the GROHE QuickFix system .
The Start built-in model has a beautiful, elegant and modern design suitable for your stylish bathroom.
For more stylish, elegant and modern solutions related to furnishing your bathroom, you can visit our product group Bathroom.


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