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Product Number 0805020280

  • Size of the sides: 300 x 159 mm
  • Measurement of: 90° and 45°
  • Thickness: 12mm
  • Stainless steel coating
1490лвOnline price

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Steel right angle KAPRO 033 KPO 057, with side length 300mm x 159mm. The measuring scale is divided into inches and centimeters. The locksmith device is made of high quality steel, characterized by high durability and resistance to mechanical changes. It is equipped with an aluminum handle, providing convenience in measurements. The surface is stainless steel, guaranteeing protection against corrosion, mechanical and temperature changes. The thickness of the locksmith tool is 12 mm, and its sides are located at right angles, allowing measurements of 90° and 45°. The steel device KAPRO 033 KPO 057 provides convenience and efficiency in the measurements required for construction and repair, locksmith, carpentry and other activities.


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