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Product Number 0303020117

  • Set of nozzles for single-channel PVC cornice
  • 2 pieces in a set
  • Quick and easy installation without gluing or drilling
159lvOnline price

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Plug for one-channel PVC cornice, 2 pcs 0303020100-golemi-plastmasovi-kukichki-za-korniz-50-broja-vestal-2_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0303020041-43-ednokanalen-plastmasov-korniz-za-perdeta-250sm-vestal_246x246_pad_478b24840a
757 lv


Set of 2 single-channel tips of the VESTAL brand for single-channel PVC cornices. The lugs are mounted on the end of the cornice rail and serve mainly to give a finished look to the cornices, but are also used to prevent the hooks from slipping off the cornice. With the single-channel tips you will quickly and efficiently plug the open ends of the plastic cornice and give it a finished look. The installation is carried out in just one movement. No additional tools or materials are needed.



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