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Product Number 0303020116

  • Plastic hanging mechanism for two-channel and three-channel PVC cornices
  • Quick installation
  • Convenient mechanism for adjusting the width depending on the cornice
  • Suitable for cornices of the same brand
515лвOnline price

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Hanging mechanism for two-channel and three-channel PVC cornice 0303020044-46-pvc-korniz_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0303020118-tynyk-plastmasov-nakrajnik-za-dvukanalen-pvc-korniz-2br_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1409 лв


The hanging mechanism for two-channel and three-channel PVC cornice VESTAL is suitable for wall mounting. It is used for hanging plastic cornices of the same brand. In terms of functionality, the hanging mechanism resembles a cornice girder.
Thanks to the plastic suspension mechanism you will not have to make holes in the ceiling and respectively in the cornices to mount them. It is also suitable for spaces where drilling in the ceiling is impossible.
The grip of the girder can be easily adjusted to fit any cornice size. It is compatible with all brands of plastic cornices, but it is recommended to be used only with single-channel and double-channel VESTAL plastic cornices.


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