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Product Number 0103060193

  • Large, chrome-plated, decorative plug stopper for standing faucet
  • For bathroom and kitchen
  • Insulates the penetration of water under the sink
  • Material: brass
  • With screw, seal, washer and nut
409лвOnline price

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Chrome large sink stopper 0402060025-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0402060028-1_246x246_pad_478b24840a
1187 лв


Large, chrome-plated, decorative stopper designed for placing the opening for a standing faucet on porcelain sinks.
Can be used for various washbasins in the bathroom or kitchen. The plug is necessary when installing a wall faucet on the sink, when it has a hole for a standing faucet. It is also used in washbasins on which no faucets are installed. Insulates the ingress of water under the sink, which can enter through the faucet opening. The decorative sink cap is metal, made of brass and comes with a screw, gasket, washer and tightening nut. It is a convenient and easy to use option that hides the opening that is not used. The large, chrome-plated, decorative plug can be removed at any time to fit a faucet. The workmanship and its characteristics meet the requirements of BDS.


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