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Product Number 0501040095

  • Dimensions: Ф 300 х 257см
  • Canvas: 100% polyester
  • Plastic construction imitating wood
  • Convenient folding and unfolding mechanism
  • UV protection 50+
  • Ecru color
19999лвOnline price

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Garden umbrella from the Malaga series of the SCHNEIDER brand in ecru color. The umbrella has a diameter of 300 cm and a height of 257 cm.

The garden umbrella is made of high quality plastic construction that mimics wood. It has a convenient and easy to use mechanism for folding and unfolding. The canvas is made of 100% polyester. In its center there is an opening that allows swirling air and provides stability of the umbrella even in strong winds.
Thanks to the durable materials from which it is made, the garden umbrella is not affected by UV rays and adverse weather conditions. Offers a high degree of UV protection - factor 50+.
The umbrella is suitable for restaurants and cafes, as well as for placement in the yard or garden.


Градински чадъри
ф300 х 257см

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