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Product Number 0702030282

  • Volume: 80l
  • Power: 2kW
  • Mounting: vertical
  • Energy class: S
  • Overheat protection device
  • INSUTECH insulation
  • PISTON effect
  • Dimensions: 121 x F 38.6 cm
31500lvOnline price

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Vertical boiler BiLight Slim 80l 2kW, GCV 80 38 20 B11 TSRC 0401090047-new_246x246_pad_478b24840a 0401030114-predpazen-ventil-12-za-bojler-s-lostche_246x246_pad_478b24840a
32854 lv


High-volume boiler for vertical installation TESY BiLight Slim with a capacity of 80 liters. The GCV 80 38 20 B11 TSRC consists of a housing, a flange at the bottom, a protective plastic panel and a non-return valve. In the main part of the boiler are located a steel tank in which water is stored and the so-called casing, representing the outer shell. Between them is thermal insulation of environmentally friendly high-density polyurethane foam. There are also two G-threaded tubes in the housing. They supply cold water and release hot water. An electric heater is mounted on the flange.

Magnesium protector is also installed in this type of boilers with glass-ceramic coating. The electric heater is used to heat the water in the tank and is controlled by the thermostat, which automatically maintains a certain temperature.

The device has a built-in device for protection against overheating, also called a thermal switch. It disconnects the heater from the mains when the water temperature reaches too high.The non-return valve prevents the appliance from being completely emptied when the cold water supply from the water supply is stopped. It protects the appliance from increasing the pressure in the water tank to a value higher than the allowable one in heating mode. This is done by releasing excess water through the drain hole.

The nominal power of the vertical boiler is 2000W. TESY's high-volume vertical water heater guarantees high energy efficiency thanks to its high-quality INSUTECH insulation and PISTON effect.INSUTECH is a precise technology for even distribution of high density polyurethane insulation. As a result, hot water is stored protected from cooling for a long time until its use. The incoming cold water stays at the bottom of the water tank and gently pushes the hot water up, creating the so-called PISTON effect, providing up to 15% more hot water.

The boiler offers two operating modes. It is equipped with a thermostat with thermal and electrical protection, as well as an anti-freeze device.

The vertical water heater also has a convenient external thermostat with smooth temperature adjustment, as well as a moisture-insulated switch with a light indicator for on and off.


  • Anti-freeze mode
  • Heating time from 15°C to 60°C: 2h 05min
  • Energy class: C
  • Annual consumption: 1410kWh
  • Dimensions: 121 x F 38.6 cm


Вертикални бойлери
Енергиен клас
60 месеца
120,5 х 38,6 х 41,2

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